Customer Survey Please take a moment to fill out this Survey. At Fox Valley Carpet Cleaning we care about customer satisfaction! Twitter When you called to schedule an appointment, was the person you spoke with helpful and knowledgeable in answering your questions? Yes No Were you able to schedule an appointment within the time frame you wanted? Yes No On the day of your appointment did we arrive within the timeframe that was given when scheduling your appointment? Yes No If we did not arrive within the scheduled time frame, did you receive a call advising that they would be early or late? Yes No Were the Technicians professional, courteous, and neatly attired? Yes No Did your Technician ask for a tour of the areas to cleaned, including any furniture? Yes No Did they go over what they were going to clean, recommend any additional services, and go over the total cost? Yes No Did the Technician discuss your areas of concern? Yes No Did your Technician talk about stains that they may not be able to be completely removed? Yes No Did the Technician show respect to you and your belongings while moving throughout your house? Yes No How would you rate the services performed? (5=Excellent, 1=Worst) Select One 5 4 3 2 1 Would you recommend us to your Friends, Neighbors, and Family? Yes No